2013年7月15日 星期一

2013 BenQ 夏夜晚風.傾聽呼吸系列活動開跑 (2013 BenQ’s “Summer Night, Evening Breeze” events kick off)

擺脫生活中繁忙沈重的壓力束縛,除了召集好友們、好同事們享受夜晚的奔馳愜意,你也可以有時與三五好友,把酒言歡,聽著隨意輕鬆簡單舒服的音樂,享受沁涼的啤酒,盡情享受星空下繁星點點的樂趣,也未嘗不可! BenQ 7 月至 8 月的週五夜晚,夏夜‧晚風  傾聽呼吸系列活動,簡單的 2 小時,運動一下再回家。不論是在公司附近河濱或是在公司後門廣場,都誠摯的歡迎大家與好同事們一起揪團報名。

BenQ has a new option for those looking for a respite from the unrelenting stress of a busy life. Every Friday evening in July and August, BenQ’s “Summer Night, Evening Breeze” events encourage people to spend a leisurely two hours lightly exercising in the company of friends while listening to soothing music and enjoying refreshing beer as the stars shimmer in the darkening sky above. Whether the particular location is a riverside park near the office, or an outdoor plaza behind, BenQ warmly welcomes everyone and their colleagues to get together and register.

