2013年7月14日 星期日
BenQ台灣區舉辦數位相機畢業季促銷活動 (BenQ Taiwan runs sales promotion for digital cameras to coincide with school graduations)
BenQ G1 為即將離開校園、成為社會新鮮人的畢業學子捕捉最美好的校園回憶!為慶祝畢業季 BenQ G1 推出雙重好康,自 2013/06/21~2013/07/26 為止,只要購買 BenQ G1,於 BenQ 官網完成產品註冊及推薦,並上傳或郵寄發票影本與保卡,就贈送原廠電池,還可再抽施華洛世奇閃亮隨身碟(4G)!甜美心型的隨身碟鑲嵌施華洛世奇水晶,時尚感及實用性兼具,帶上它你就是最閃亮的社會新鮮人!贈品數量有限,送完為止!
BenQ G1 is helping students who are about to graduate and leave their campuses to enter the workforce to capture the final, most precious memories of their school life. To commemorate their graduation, from 21 June to 26 July, BenQ is offering a original manufacturer battery and a chance to win a 4GB thumb drive to anyone who purchases a BenQ G1 camera, registers and recommends it on BenQ’s official website, and uploads or sends a copy of their receipt and warranty card. The heart-shaped thumb drive features an embedded Swarovski crystal, providing users with both chic style and practical utility, helping its owner stand out. The giveaway is available as long as supplies last.
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