吉林省BenQ顯示器新總代-長春可新科技公司與我們的正式合作開始於5月9日,這是一家「年輕」的公司,老闆年輕,員工年輕,不過正因為年輕,才更有激情,更有朝氣!我們曾經猶豫過,這家管道會不會太年輕?經過前期不斷的接觸和交流,讓我們堅信“她”就是我們BenQ對的人!如今經過近2個月來不斷的努力,做對的事,我們終於找到了自己的路,共同在成長。應勢而上,2013年6月26日主題為“護眼不閃屏 開創新未來”BenQ顯示器吉林省經銷商大會在長春市禦龍溫泉度假村舉行。
BenQ’s partnership with its new general sales agent in Jilin Province, Changchun Kexin Technology, formally commenced on 9 May. Changchun Kexin is a “young” company, in several senses, having a young CEO and young workforce. However, its youth is also what makes it so full of energy and enthusiasm. We at one point did hesitate, wondering if this channel vendor was simply too young. However, after repeated contacts and exchanges during the initial phase, we became convinced that this company was indeed right for BenQ. Now, after nearly two months of continual effort, we and Changchun Kexin have found our own path forward, one that leads to mutual growth. Following up, on 26 June we organized a distributor meeting for BenQ monitor distributors in Jilin Province that took place in Yulong Hot Spring Resort and highlighted the eye-protecting flicker-free display screens used in BenQ monitors.