2013年7月15日 星期一
2013 BenQ 夏夜晚風.傾聽呼吸系列活動開跑 (2013 BenQ’s “Summer Night, Evening Breeze” events kick off)
擺脫生活中繁忙沈重的壓力束縛,除了召集好友們、好同事們享受夜晚的奔馳愜意,你也可以有時與三五好友,把酒言歡,聽著隨意輕鬆簡單舒服的音樂,享受沁涼的啤酒,盡情享受星空下繁星點點的樂趣,也未嘗不可! BenQ 7 月至 8 月的週五夜晚,夏夜‧晚風 傾聽呼吸系列活動,簡單的 2 小時,運動一下再回家。不論是在公司附近河濱或是在公司後門廣場,都誠摯的歡迎大家與好同事們一起揪團報名。
BenQ has a new option for those looking for a respite from the unrelenting stress of a busy life. Every Friday evening in July and August, BenQ’s “Summer Night, Evening Breeze” events encourage people to spend a leisurely two hours lightly exercising in the company of friends while listening to soothing music and enjoying refreshing beer as the stars shimmer in the darkening sky above. Whether the particular location is a riverside park near the office, or an outdoor plaza behind, BenQ warmly welcomes everyone and their colleagues to get together and register.
2013年7月14日 星期日
BenQ教育投影機巴西Road show(Brazil-PRJ Education Road Shows)
六月開始的BenQ教育投影機Road show,即將在巴西各個城市巡迴,貼近各地的潛在消費者需求。
Brazil-PRJ Education Road Shows
- Starting from Jun until October (2 or 3 roadshows per month)
- Different cities: Salvador / Porto Alegre / Curitiba / Campinas / São Paulo / Belo Horizonte / Rio de Janeiro / Brasilia / Fortaleza / Recife / Manaus
- 40 visitors per event
- BenQ will raffle an Projector (with Top&Bottom per event and will pay hotel+ plane ticket for the teacher speaker).
BenQ 拉美零售通路活動 (Retailer- Floor Day- Peru)
BenQ拉丁美洲電競活動 (Gaming LCD in Ecuador – Team sponsorhip June 1st )
BenQ厄瓜多爾電競活動中,玩家穿著BenQ隊服,使用XL2420T 迎戰對手。
Gamers used the BenQ shirts and had a demo XL2420T with the Dota2 update
Took place in a Cyber Cafe Twelve Dota2 teams.
The 5 gamers of the BenQ team obtained the 2nd Place after 2 days of intense competition.
BenQ’s branding increased in the Gaming world in Ecuador, which is becoming more and more popular.
BenQ拉丁美洲零售通路廣告(Retail participation in local retailer catalogs)
Retail participation in local retailer catalogs
- Office Depot in Guatemala
- Hometek Panama
BenQ在墨西哥宣傳電競顯示器(BenQ promoted Gaming LCD in Mexico)
BenQ祕魯經銷商會議(BenQ Distributor event Peru: Tour Deltron)
This tour takes place in different cities in Peru for 1 year and we do trainings, our products are exhibit in a stand and at the end of each tour, a product is given to the “Best Customer of the City”.
Grupo Deltron has 5 branches nationwide in Peru and is the largest channel partner with representation in distribution and retail channels.
BenQ 拉丁美洲經銷商 Road Show (BQL Distributor Road Show)
BenQ參加加勒比海St Kitts 貿易展 (BenQ St Kitts (Caribbean) Trade show activity)
BenQ河南CF大賽終極挑戰賽 (BenQ organizes Cross Fire gaming tournament in Henan Province, China)
BenQ河南“穿越火線”大賽終極挑戰賽,在2013年6月28日在鄭州市聚點網吧火熱開打! CF玩家們在大賽現場與各路英雄好漢比武過招、切磋技藝,直至贏得冠亞季軍榮譽頭銜和獎金,更一睹CF傳奇名將白鯊的真容,並向CF職業戰隊EP Cherry發起挑戰!本次活動吸引包括專業電競團隊在內的12支隊伍參加,現場對戰激烈,尤其是冠亞軍爭奪戰及冠軍和白鯊過招的細節更是精彩至極,吸引數名粉絲駐足觀看。
On 28 June, BenQ held a Cross Fire gaming tournament at a popular Internet cafe in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Cross Fire aficionados matched wits and tested skills against each other until finally a champion, runner-up, and third-place winner emerged and received their prizes. Another attraction was a personal appearance by legendary Cross Fire ace “White Shark”, who challenged pro team EP Cherry to a match. The event drew 12 teams, including dedicated e-sports teams, to compete. Spectators followed the action intently, responding with special enthusiasm to the championship match and the incredible gameplay when the champions and “White Shark” faced off, with several fans stepping in close so as not to miss the smallest details.
21倍長焦機 BenQGH610中國網友評測 (BenQ GH610 21x zoom camera reviewed online)
中國行銷活動BenQ模力女孩三強揭曉 攜自拍神器G1魅力登「台」 (Three finalists in Chinese model search marketing campaign selected, make onstage appearance with amazing G1 self-portrait camera)
Since it officially commenced in April this year, BenQ’s model search contest has attracted tens of thousands of entrants, generating attention from enormous numbers of enthusiastic fans. The contest as a whole included three rounds, culminating in a championship round with ten finalists, and spanned two months. Now, three of those ten finalists have been selected as the top performers, winning the title of “China’s Model Girls”.
BenQ助力湖南高品“我為科技代言”IT管道精英匯——岳陽站 (BenQ takes part in Hunan distributor summit event in Yueyang)
為電競而生 BenQ外設助力中國TGA大獎賽明星見面會 (Born to game—BenQ organizes “meet the stars” event at China’s Tencent Games Arena tournament)
日前,由BenQ主辦的“BenQ為電競而生TGA大獎賽明星見面會” 在上海長寧區BenQ大廈舉辦,除力邀白鯊、小蒼、Alex等多位電競明星到場助陣,與廣大粉絲展開精彩互動以外,更在現場展示了多款明星旗艦產品。其中BenQ針對遊戲玩家推出的一系列機械鍵盤也悉數到場!
Recently, BenQ held a fan meeting event in Shanghai during the Tencent Games Arena gaming tournament. For the event, BenQ invited gaming stars such as “White Shark” and Alex to make a personal appearance, giving their many fans a chance to interact with them in person. In addition, the venue also featured a number of BenQ’s flagship gaming-oriented products, including a series of mechanical keyboards designed especially for gameplay.
快捷高效秒殺文檔 BenQA3/A4高拍儀T900中國上市 (BenQ super-fast A3/A4-format document scanner debuts in China)
BenQ’s T900 document scanner features a fresh yet elegant color scheme, and a housing with clean, flowing contours. The T900‘s compact, folding design and light 640 gram weight makes it easy to store or carry as a portable scanner. With its surprisingly small footprint, the T900 is ideal for public-facing organizations such as those in the finance, insurance, health care, and government sectors, helping them to achieve and convey dramatic improvements in efficiency.
一機走天下,日夜都精彩 BenQ在中國發佈26X長焦新品GH750 (BenQ announces new 26x zoom GH750 in China—one camera for great shots day or night)
In order to better satisfy market needs, BenQ recently introduced the 16-megapixel 26x zoom GH750 camera. Equipped with a high-sensitivity CMOS sensor element, the GH750 takes vivid photographs day or night, and captures shots of any subject—distant or nearby, panoramic or tiny—with ease. In addition, the new camera can record 1080p full HD video, making it truly one camera that does it all.
中國TGA大獎賽圓滿落幕!BenQ遊戲顯示器全程鼎力助陣! (BenQ gaming monitors featured throughout recently completed major gaming tournament in China)
With more than 10 million participants, and more than 100 million familiar with it, the Tencent Games Arena (TGA) gaming tournament is truly a major national event for gaming enthusiasts. The championship match recently took place, and as a TGA strategic partner, BenQ supplied its flagship gaming monitors, the XL2420T and RL2240HE for use during the matches, giving contestants a great view of one climactic gaming encounter after another.
BenQMUSIQ系列EP550胡桃木頭戴式耳機中國全新上市 (BenQ MUSIQ EP550 headphones debut in China)
BenQMUSIQ 系列EP550胡桃木頭戴式耳機以出眾的聲學性能向音樂人致敬,更力求讓愛樂者與音樂產生奇妙的共鳴。EP550採用35mm高效能發聲單元,具備32Ω阻抗和110dB靈敏度,無論智慧手機還是MP3音樂播放機都可輕鬆推動,尤其中高頻明亮表現及強勁低頻聲效更讓你如臨其境。另外其3.5毫米鍍金插頭適用於iPhone、HTC、黑莓、LG、PLAM等各大主流手機品牌。
BenQ’s MUSIQ EP550 headphones with walnut headband is made for music lovers, bringing outstanding acoustic performance that is aimed at creating a greater communion between the listener and music. The EP550 uses a 35mm high-performance audio unit, rated at 32 ohms resistance and 110 dB audio sensitivity. Regardless of whether it is used with a smartphone or dedicated media player, it is simple to operate. In particular, midrange and high frequency audio is rendered brilliantly, while preserving powerful bass, giving the listener an immersive live-like experience. The EP550’s 3.5mm gold-plated jack fits the iPhone and other popular smartphones from HTC, Blackberry, LG, and Palm.
BenQ中國業務區東北不閃屏終端活動分享 (BenQ China holds promotional event for flicker-free monitors in northeast China)
Shenyang’s Neusoft Computer Town is the main arena for promoting flicker-free monitors in northeast China. This computer superstore includes four BenQ retail shops, each of which places a very strong emphasis on the display and sales of flicker-free monitors. To support the launch of new products, BenQ obtained rights to use a free-access area in the center of the DIY exhibition zone, and the superstore coordinated with us by holding a week-long publicity campaign for new product releases. During the initial stages of the event, the superstore updated all its informational materials, and then, new products and promotions were announced to shoppers six times daily, getting the entire event off to a robust start.
BenQ顯示器中國吉林省經銷商大會 (BenQ holds distributor meeting for monitor distributors in China’s Jilin Province)
吉林省BenQ顯示器新總代-長春可新科技公司與我們的正式合作開始於5月9日,這是一家「年輕」的公司,老闆年輕,員工年輕,不過正因為年輕,才更有激情,更有朝氣!我們曾經猶豫過,這家管道會不會太年輕?經過前期不斷的接觸和交流,讓我們堅信“她”就是我們BenQ對的人!如今經過近2個月來不斷的努力,做對的事,我們終於找到了自己的路,共同在成長。應勢而上,2013年6月26日主題為“護眼不閃屏 開創新未來”BenQ顯示器吉林省經銷商大會在長春市禦龍溫泉度假村舉行。
BenQ’s partnership with its new general sales agent in Jilin Province, Changchun Kexin Technology, formally commenced on 9 May. Changchun Kexin is a “young” company, in several senses, having a young CEO and young workforce. However, its youth is also what makes it so full of energy and enthusiasm. We at one point did hesitate, wondering if this channel vendor was simply too young. However, after repeated contacts and exchanges during the initial phase, we became convinced that this company was indeed right for BenQ. Now, after nearly two months of continual effort, we and Changchun Kexin have found our own path forward, one that leads to mutual growth. Following up, on 26 June we organized a distributor meeting for BenQ monitor distributors in Jilin Province that took place in Yulong Hot Spring Resort and highlighted the eye-protecting flicker-free display screens used in BenQ monitors.
從投創新境 片影博大千 投影機2013年度中國經銷商大會 (Projector distributor meeting in China for 2013 a success)
From 26 to 28 May, BenQ’s national projector distributor meeting took place in China’s Gansu Province. Though drawing on limited resources, BenQ was able to highlight our five main projector series—for the educational, business, home, construction project, and mobile markets—while also exhibiting our upcoming new interactive flat panel display, surprising the many attendees. BenQ is no longer a simple projector hardware vendor, but a genuine leader in providing application solutions for various market segments.
BenQ GH800泰國行銷活動 (GH800 Marketing Activities in Thailand)
Glad to share that BenQ Thailand kick off business with the biggest camera retailer, Photo Hut successfully. BenQ camera range was sold both in their retail stores and online channel, and in June Commart Show, our cameras also gained users’ attention at Photo Hut booth. As the flagship product in Bridge-type segment, GH800 also gained good media exposure on major portal/forum sites and social media. To enhance product preference, RO also prepared GH800 mini-site and Facebook program for BenQ Thailand in July. Let’s see the newest update:
“Follow Your Dream” mini-site and Facebook program
In order to communicate 36x high zoom bridge GH800 product benefits with more emotional approach, RO prepared “Follow your dream” mini-site and Facebook program to draw people’s attention and demonstrate GH800 major features and excellence picture quality. In mini-site, all images are photos by GH800, you can see the latest GH800 dream story from Photo Club website too. Meanwhile, we shared GH800 photography tips, and fully introduced GH bridge type series cameras as well. We reinforced the insights of photography - no matter how busy you are, carry GH800 camera and keep moving on, record more precious moments with GH800. Be brave to follow your dreams, be who you want to be! From July 5~31, follow BenQ Thailand fan page and share your dream by GH800 will get a chance to win a GH800 home! Try it now!
Nice Review on taklong.com
Taklong.com is one of the most popular DSC community in Thailand. They reviewed GH800 and point out its benefits: the high zoom performance 36X really works for long distant shooting. Also, super macro mode 1 cm, CMOS sensor, 18 mega pixel and EVF is useful for shooting photo in daylight were highlighted.
Visit here to see full article.
Blogger recommendation from photonovice.com
Photonovice.com is web broad for camera/photo lovers to share photo and shooting technique. Webmaster reviewed GH800 and highlighted about 36x high zoom performance, and also 3 inches tilt-view panel which is really helpful for taking photo in many angle. In summary, GH800 is best choice for high zoom camera with affordable price. See the forum from here.
BenQ 參加澳洲夥伴會議 (EDUTECH Brisbane and NSW Secondary Principals State Conference in Australia)
為使BenQ教育相關產品更直接的打入當地通路, 我們在六月時參加了澳洲的夥伴會議,演示我們的短焦及IFP相關產品。
To market short-throw projectors and IFP, BenQ Australia cooperated with SI partner, Direct National to join EDUTECH and NSW Secondary Principals State Conference in Jun. The EDUTECH Brisbane was from Jun 3rd to Jun 5th and IFP TL650 & TL550 were displayed at the event. The event attendance measured at 3,500 and the traffic to BenQ Booth estimated at 700-800. Moreover, Direct National and BenQ sold 5-6 TL650’s at the event.
NSW Secondary Principals State Conference was from Jun 11th to Jun 13th, and there were 500 Conference attendees over 2 days. At the event, MW817ST with PointWrite solution, and IFP TL650 had been well presented. Direct National generated several leads which resulted in TL650 sales.
BenQ參加日本NEE教育展 (New Education Expo 2013 in Japan)
In Jun, BQjp participated in New Education Expo(NEE) in Tokyo & Osaka. NEE in Tokyo was from Jun 6th to Jun 8th and the participants reached 5,569, higher than last year. NEE in Osaka was from Jun 21st to Jun 22nd and the total visitor was 3,664, also higher than last year.
BenQ Japan live-demonstrated MW820ST with PointWrite, GW2760HS flicker-free monitor with side-by-side comparison, and IL650 IFP with QDraw. The most eye-catching products in the exhibition were Short-throw projectors and GW2760HS, which were receiving a favorable reaction for business and personal use. Around 500 visitors stopped by BenQ booth to experience our offerings. Through NEE participation, BenQ brand image and product awareness were successfully delivered to the right target audiences.
來自日韓消費者的推薦與好評 (Users’ Recommendations from Japan and Korea)
Online Influencer’s Blog
W1080ST was introduced as one of the high quality projector on one online influencer’s blog. The user was satisfied with this Full-HD short-throw projector. Its design, size, high contrast ratio, high brightness and good 3D picture quality are also appreciated.
The end user introduced W1080ST with many great pictures. Especially focus on Full HD short throw projector, design, size, high contrast, high brightness and good 3D picture quality. Also the end-user did the comparison W1080ST with Epson EB1770-W and the results are good and positive for W1080ST.
Kakaku Users’ Comments
One user on Kakaku.com commented W1080ST was one of the high quality projectors he knew. He was satisfied with its short-throw projection distance, compact size, high contrast ratio, high brightness and noise reduction.
Another user compared W1080ST with Epson TW8100 and decided to buy W1080ST because of the good reviews given by others. He was quite satisfied with its 1080P quality, affordable price and the big screen image in a limited space.
4 Bloggers’ Out-of-Box Experience Sharing
W1070, a Full-HD projector providing 3D image and as the best sales record in Q1 was mentioned. The 120” big projection screen at just 3 meter distance was appreciated while the reviewer also highlighted 2 HDMI connectors and 10W built-in speaker for easy installation. The daily visitor of this blog is around 600.
There are another three W1080ST experience sharing conducted by BenQ Korea. In the review, 120” screen with high image quality available at 1.8meter distance was impressed. Besides, SmartEco power saving, easy installation & setting and built-in 10W speaker were all appreciated.
BenQ在亞太多個國家專業媒體獲得好評 (Professional Product Reviews from matured countries)
BenQ家用投影機種在亞太多個國家專業媒體獲得好評,包括澳洲「SOUND and IMAGE」、韓國「Noteforum」網站、日本「Kakaku.com 」網站等。
SOUND and IMAGE magazine
W1080ST and W1070 were recommended for its Full-HD good quality, 3D support and multi-connectivity features. The difference of throw-distance between W1070 and W180ST are also elaborated in the article. Those attracting features make the editor wondering whether it is worth spending $5,000 on an AV projector these days. Just buy BenQ video projectors!
Noteforum, online 3C forum
BenQ W1080ST is the world’s first Full-HD short-throw projector for home video. Good image quality and easy installation are big advantages. Especially its 3D image provides huge satisfaction.
The reviewer appreciated W1070 for its compact size and many impressive functions, such as Full-HD 3D, SmartEco power saving, brilliant image, rich connectivity, and lens shift. Also the reviewer thought W1070’s small size is very convenient to carry to any place.
BenQ參加曼谷TAV展 (Thailand Audio/Video (TAV) Show in Bangkok)
BenQ Thailand participated in Thailand Audio/Video (TAV) Show at Grand Mercure Fortune Bangkok Hotel from Jun 27th to 30th. In this event, full-range of BenQ video projectors were showcased to 1,000+ visitors. W1080ST and W1070, our home entertainment new models were highlighted with 3D, Full HD with ISFccc certificate high quality performance. Meanwhile, W7000+ flagship model and W1200, W710ST and GP10 were also showcased there. The visitors were satisfied with brilliant image quality and surprised with the show throw projection distance.
BenQ 高畫質投影機亞太區體驗活動 (W1080ST/W1070 Full HD Projector Activities)
BenQ W1080ST/W1070高畫質投影機種,在亞太區舉辦體驗活動。包括體驗mini-site,在澳洲、韓國舉行的發表體驗活動,都讓消費者對BenQ家用投影機的畫質表現更具信心。
Thanks to all’s efforts, in June we got very good online exposure no matter from editors’ reviews or consumers’ sharing, especially from Sub-Region 1. Three physical events were conducted and some ads campaign to draw attention. A mini-site and Facebook program are ready for your adaptation. We expect more activities in the coming month from all NS in the coming month, together with sales growth!
[W1080ST/W1070 Mini-site and Facebook campaign]
To market the two Full HD home entertainment projectors, RO has developed one Mini-site and prepared a Facebook program to draw target audiences’ attention. Scenario photos are used together with one to two simple sentences to highlight the key benefits and features of W1080ST. A short video also helps users to quickly understand our products. This mini-site will be applied in all markets.
Facebook program emphasizing big screen fun with friends and family are on air in India, Thailand, Korea and Australia from Jun. 25th to Jul. 15th. The same, Visitors are able to view a short video talking about W1080ST. BenQ fans who answer a simple question, “Who do you want to invite to watch your favorite movie @home?” will get a chance to win one pair of BenQ 3D glasses and two 3D movie DVDs. Communicating product key benefits and increasing number of Fans are the objectives we set.
[W1080ST with ACO VIRTUAL performance in Australia]
With cutting-edge audio-visual installation, Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) interactive performance was on from Jun. 1st to 23rd at Gold Coast Arts Centre in Queensland. 7pcs of W1080ST projectors were used as both an entertainment and educational tool, which allowed students and residents to watch a life-like, world-class orchestral performance. Due to the space limitation, short throw distance projection and Full HD high video quality were required, and W1080ST just matches!
[W1080ST PR Launch in Korea]
On Jun 27th, BenQ Korea conducted a media gathering to announce W1080ST in Seoul and 20 editors/journalists and 10 channel partners were invited. In the event, BenQ Korea introduced W1080ST as the world’s first Full-HD short-throw projector and presented its excellent video/audio features. Avatar 3D movie was play backed to show its excellent 3D effect and high image quality. A presentation was given about full product line-up and more detailed video projector range including W7000+ and upcoming W1500. After this event, we got great media coverage with 41 clippings including 38 online and 3 offline articles.
BenQ電競活動在亞太 (Gaming event participation in Malaysia and India)
BenQ近期內參加了馬來西亞「StashDen Barcraft」電競活動以及印度「BYOC 2013」電競活動,多款顯示器包括XL2420T、XL2411T、RL2450H、RL2240H和GW2760HS在玩家面前露臉。
Malaysia: StashDen Barcraft Event in Kuala Lumpur on June 1st
StashDen is a new gaming community in Malaysia and formed by a former Malaysian SC II player. The idea is to provide a platform to bring SC II gamers every relevant happenings of the SC II scene in Malaysia. It’s the first Barcraft event conducted by StashDen, over 80 people attended this Barcraft to witness WCS Korea 2013 Season Finals. BenQ Malaysia also had product introduction on the stage and provided some units of RL2450H, XL2411T and XL2420T for live demo.
India: BYOC 2013 in Delhi from June 21st to 23rd
BenQ India cooperated with SMC, our exclusive partner for gaming monitor, to participate in BYOC 2013 from June 21st to 23rd. Over 2,500 people were attracted to this India’s largest gaming festival during 3 days. BenQ India shared booth with Cooler Master to showcase XL2420T, XL2411T, RL2450H, RL2240H and GW2760HS.
BenQ亞太業務區六月媒體露出 (BQP Great media exposures in June)
[Pattakorn Talked About BenQ Projectors in BrandAge]
Being interviewed by BrandAge magazine in June, Pattakorn, the country head of BenQ Thailand talked about BenQ projectors. He highlighted the benefits of WXGA series brings to users for office scenarios. For other scenarios like home entertainment and education market, BenQ provides a full range of products which can fulfill different needs.
[Media Awards in Japan and Australia]
The W1080ST was selected by AV Review to win VGP (Visual Grand Prix) 2013 Summer as good home entertainment realization in Japan.
In Australia’s APC magazine, the “Editor’s Choice” winner GW2750HM was rated as unbeatable contrast and black levels. The “Highly Recommended” XL2420TX has exceptional image quality with enjoyable OSD controls.
BenQ不閃屏測試影片獲正面回響 (Positive Feedbacks on Flicker-free Demo Video)
Last but not least, the flicker-free demo video on Youtube has more than 4.300 views till today. It even triggered some positive comments and desires to own it. Here are some interesting quotes:
“I'm so happy they finally released this monitor and are making a big deal about this flicker free tech…Thank you BenQ, hopefully other monitor manufacturers will finally realize PWM dimming is a BIG problem with todays monitors.”- EvoPortal
“Oh man. I want this so bad. FINALLY a monitor company understands! My eyes NEED this…”- Dave Marcotte
The demo video demonstrating benefits of flicker-free LCD monitors is encouraged to be more widespread across the region.
亞太部落客好評BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏 (Opinion Leaders’ Experience Sharing in India and Vietnam)
來自印度和越南的部落客,針對BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏給予好評,也在網友間提升了我們的口碑。
This month there are 2 WoM articles from India and Vietnam. The blogger in India reviewed the flicker-free monitor and meanwhile filmed a short introduction of it. In Vietnam, there was a well-known businessman who shared his experience adopting the GW2760HS to reduce eye fatigue. Both articles gave very positive feedback on this newly launched BenQ monitor.
BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏在日韓澳洲等地宣傳 (GW2760HS review in Japan, Australia, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam)
BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏上市,宣傳活動囊括日、韓、澳洲、越南、泰國等地。各地媒體都對這項新產品發表正面的評價。
In June, we accumulate many good GW2760HS review exposure, both from editors’ recommendation and power users’ endorsement. Side-by-side comparison to show flicker on traditional LCD screen is deployed to convince audiences with seeing is believing idea. Also, we also target at LCD white collar heavy users to communicate Flicker-free benefits, and have Japanese IT website editor and Vietnamese business consultant spoken for BenQ GW2760HS.
In order to highlight the user benefits of flicker-free GW2760HS, BenQ Japan tried another approach to draw potential buyers’ attention on kakaku.com. They had the editor of kakaku.com to use GW2760HS for a week and shared his experience on article. It’s a nice trial and more convincible, from a user’s point of view.
BenQ Australia cooperated with Cybershack TV, the Australia’s only television program dedicated entirely to the consumer technology and home entertainment market, to conduct a video for introducing Flicker-free GW2760HS. It was on air on June 8th and also available to view on the CyberShack website. Besides the video, a review article was published on Cybershack website as well.
BenQ Korea conducted 3 reviews on IT websites to draw more attention for flicker-free GW2760HS. We can observe that many consumers are interested in flicker-free technology since the number of views on the GW2760HS article is much higher than other articles.
BenQ Thailand got 2 reviews on IT websites to highlight how flicker-free GW2760HS can help consumer to reduce eye fatigue. With side by side comparison video, people can easily see the flicker on monitor and know the user benefits of flicker-free technology.
The product review on VN Express highlighted flicker-free technology to reduce eye strain and reading mode for office use. Of course the contrast and image quality are very much appreciated as well.
BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏星馬地區宣傳 (Flicker-free Monitor PR Launch in Malaysia)
BenQ Malaysia held a media event on June 18th to officially introduce flicker-free monitors to media and bloggers. Over 25 media/bloggers attended this event and most of attendees were impressed by flicker-free technology and would like to buy one for themselves. Considering most IT users in Malaysia don’t sense that the symptoms of CVS may cause long-term damage to the eyes, BenQ Malaysia invited a qualified guest speaker - Murphy Chan, the President of the Association of Malaysian Optometrists to present CVS to all attendees. Followed by PM’s product introduction and live demo, it’s much easier to convince consumers why they need a flicker-free monitor to reduce eye fatigue.
BenQ投影機榮獲台灣媒體肯定 (BenQ projector wins honors from Taiwanese media)
- W1080ST很有機會打破一般大眾對投影機既期待又有些卻步的心態。
BenQ W770ST 在台灣屢獲媒體測試肯定
- W770ST讓遊戲玩家族群,可以有更充裕的資金運用,來添購其他遊戲配備!W770ST同時支援短焦、3D,就價位來說相當超值,推薦給小空間的使用者。
The W1080ST has a great opportunity to eliminate the hesitation that tempers the general public’s attitude toward projectors.
BenQ’s W770ST features in several glowing reviews in Taiwanese media
The W770ST enables gaming aficionados to make more efficient use of their financial resources, so they can purchase other gaming equipment. The W770ST not only supports short-throw and 3D projection, but its affordable pricing delivers terrific value, and it is especially recommended for users with limited space.
BenQ’s W770ST features in several glowing reviews in Taiwanese media
The W770ST enables gaming aficionados to make more efficient use of their financial resources, so they can purchase other gaming equipment. The W770ST not only supports short-throw and 3D projection, but its affordable pricing delivers terrific value, and it is especially recommended for users with limited space.
BenQ不閃屏持續在台灣獲得媒體報導評論 (BenQ’s flicker-free monitors continue to receive coverage in Taiwanese media)
特闢專欄介紹螢幕,其主題延用BenQ 不閃屏的”養眼” 概念延伸,另也採訪螢幕產品經理說明BenQ螢幕的趨勢與產品介紹。
BenQ電競螢幕獲台灣專業媒體推薦 (BenQ gaming monitors receive recommendations from Taiwan’s pro media)
BenQ大型液晶在台獲媒體技編肯定 (BenQ’s large-screen flat-panel televisions gain plaudits from editors at Taiwanese media)
Editors judged BenQ as providing the best value, citing the outstanding looks of its its narrow-bezel design. Testing with specialized equipment showed that BenQ’s models rendered a richer, broader spectrum of colors than regular HDTV products.
BenQ台灣區舉辦數位相機畢業季促銷活動 (BenQ Taiwan runs sales promotion for digital cameras to coincide with school graduations)
BenQ G1 為即將離開校園、成為社會新鮮人的畢業學子捕捉最美好的校園回憶!為慶祝畢業季 BenQ G1 推出雙重好康,自 2013/06/21~2013/07/26 為止,只要購買 BenQ G1,於 BenQ 官網完成產品註冊及推薦,並上傳或郵寄發票影本與保卡,就贈送原廠電池,還可再抽施華洛世奇閃亮隨身碟(4G)!甜美心型的隨身碟鑲嵌施華洛世奇水晶,時尚感及實用性兼具,帶上它你就是最閃亮的社會新鮮人!贈品數量有限,送完為止!
BenQ G1 is helping students who are about to graduate and leave their campuses to enter the workforce to capture the final, most precious memories of their school life. To commemorate their graduation, from 21 June to 26 July, BenQ is offering a original manufacturer battery and a chance to win a 4GB thumb drive to anyone who purchases a BenQ G1 camera, registers and recommends it on BenQ’s official website, and uploads or sends a copy of their receipt and warranty card. The heart-shaped thumb drive features an embedded Swarovski crystal, providing users with both chic style and practical utility, helping its owner stand out. The giveaway is available as long as supplies last.
BenQ投影機和台灣影音發燒友的聚會 (BenQ projectors and Taiwan AV equipment enthusiasts meet)
為了讓消費者實際親身感受三坪機系列機種帶來小空間大畫面的臨場震撼,BenQ台灣區透過專業影音實體通路與HD Club網路論壇號召有興趣的消費者以及影音發燒友們,六月份接連舉辦四場W1080ST與W1070消費者體驗會活動,消費者可親身體驗三坪空間投影100吋3D Full HD大畫面,讓對家庭劇院有興趣的發燒友們能夠實際接觸、親臨感受大畫面的精彩震撼。六月份場次包括;6/08 HD Club、6/08倍樂思、6/15概念音響、6/22音譜利音響,均獲得熱烈迴響。
To allow consumers to experience for themselves the immersive big-screen viewing experience made possible by our short-throw projectors even in a restricted quarters, BenQ teamed with professional brick-and-mortar audiovisual equipment channel vendors and the HD Club online forum. Together, we recruited interested consumers and audiovisual equipment enthusiasts to participate in four product hands-on events featuring the W1080ST and W1070 during June. Participants were able to see for themselves the expansive 100” 3D Full HD video provided by the BenQ short-throw projectors in a space measuring just 10 square meters in area. Those interested in setting up a home theater were able to get a sense of the exciting impact of a big-screen view. The four events in June were held at HD Club on the 8th, Balance on the same date, Conception on the 15th, and YPL Audio on the 22nd. All were enthusiastically received.
BenQ投影機在台灣舉辦網友體驗會 (BenQ holds projector hands-on event for members of the online community)
BenQ台灣區與Mobile01網路論壇E合作舉辦全系列三坪機網友體驗會,體驗會現場由BenQ台灣區產品經理Adam為網友帶來詳盡的產品解說;除此之外,還透過資深影音達人黃若農先生,與網友分享他的達人觀點,以及實際體驗3D Full HD電影,與多人對打遊戲能夠獲得更大的切割畫面,讓每個與會者的心中都留下了深刻印象!
BenQ Taiwan and the Mobile01 online forum joined up to hold a product hands-on event spotlighting BenQ’s short-throw projectors. The event featured an appearance by BenQ Taiwan product manager Adam, who provided detailed product introductions for attendees. In addition, an expert on audiovisual equipment was on hand to share his perspectives. Of course, attendees had a chance to experience for themselves 3D Full HD movies displayed by the BenQ projectors, as well to see how the big-screen picture allowed for larger split screens for a better multi-player gaming experience. Everyone who was there undoubtedly left impressed.
BenQ台灣數位相機進駐校園 (BenQ Taiwan takes photography courses to campuses)
「BenQ好攝學園」自6/22起於台北、台中、台南、高雄一連舉辦四場「翻轉吧!G1 校園唯美系寫真」免費攝影課程,為今年暑假揭開序幕。「翻轉吧!G1 校園唯美系寫真」特別邀請到台灣知名女性攝影師Maggie及新銳攝影師Ego擔任講師,課程全程免費,名額有限,每場次只收取前20名優先報名者歐!現場還有免費贈品贈送!心動了嗎?快立即報名:http://goo.gl/vYshV
The BenQ Photo Club provided four free photography classes—in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, respectively—beginning on 22 June, getting summer vacation off to a great start. The classes featured the G1 self-portrait camera, and BenQ also invited well-known Taiwanese photographer Maggie and rising young photographer Ego to serve as lecturers. The classes were completely free, with enrollment limited to the first 20 people who registered, and enrollees also received a gift for attending.
2013年7月11日 星期四
BenQ GH800 親子旅遊全能機台灣區網路活動起跑! (Online promotion for BenQ’s full-featured GH800 family vacation camera commences)
BenQ GH800 的36倍超高倍光學變焦鏡頭,持續運用新興的數位行銷手法如網路活動、部落格媒體宣傳、facebook社群溝通等等,以簡單有趣的「體驗36倍變焦抽大獎」的網路互動遊戲,深入溝通GH800的產品特色能夠滿足父母隨時想要捕捉小孩的精采瞬間的需求,並引發網友正面口碑及主動在 facebook分享活動訊息,建立親子族群對BenQ數位相機的好感度與指名度,更企盼進而帶動銷售業績!現在馬上上網體驗BenQ GH800 的強大36倍變焦功能吧!
For BenQ’s GH800 ultra-high 36x optical zoom lens camera, we are continuing to make use of novel digital marketing approaches, such as online events, publicity through blogs, Facebook community messaging, and so on. BenQ created a simple but fun interactive webpage game that communicates how the product features of the GH800 can fulfill parents’ desire to capture special moments in their child’s life, while also encouraging positive word-of-mouth and self-initiated sharing of event information on Facebook, building up positive feelings and brand preference for BenQ cameras. The hope is that these efforts can drive sales.
BenQ智慧大型液晶 X 網路人氣小孩-喬喬 5集累積突破20萬點閱超高人氣!! (Videos promoting BenQ’s large-screen smart flat-panel televisions surpass 200,000 views )
BenQ continues to promote Taiwan’s #1 large-screen flat-panel smart televisions, spotlighting their localized features and how they are designed to facilitate parent-child interaction. Our latest move is to work with online child celebrity Rose Yu, and a total of five biweekly episodes of “One Week’s Learning” videos have been produced, encouraging online users to follow the series. Users have responded well with enthusiastic positive feedback, often noting the heartwarming interaction between Rose and her father, but also sparking online users’ expression of support for the Taiwanese brand BenQ, as well curiosity about and positive feelings toward BenQ flat-panel smart televisions’ built-in app functionality. Through scenes in Rose and her father’s warm, happy life, the videos vividly portray the rich array of Chinese- and English-language educational apps built into BenQ’s smart flat-panel televisions. The episodes have already drawn more than 200,000 views, successfully conveying the idea that BenQ’s smart TV models are the most thoroughly “localized” to meet the needs of Taiwanese consumers, helping parents easily create enjoyable shared learning experiences with their children.
BenQ 黑湛屏RV系列在台舉辦通路體驗會 (BenQ holds hands-on events featuring VA-LCD panel-based RV monitor series for channel vendors in Taiwan)
BenQ’s large-screen VA-LCD panel-based RV monitor series has been enthusiastically received in the market. Recently, BenQ held hands-on events for these displays at branches of Tsannkuen, a leading 3C superstore chain, and Carrefour supermarkets in central and southern Taiwan, giving consumers a chance to experience these monitors first-hand.
As they got a first-hand look, consumers were initially struck by the surprisingly narrow bezel on the monitors. At the site, demos were used to show the difference that bezel width has on the subjective viewing experience. In addition, an experiment using a light pen demonstrated the VA-LCD’s anti-glare properties, which leave picture quality unaffected even in extremely bright conditions like that in the store, retaining natural-looking video with saturated colors and high contrast.
BenQ 電競不閃屏顯示器在台強悍登場 (BenQ flicker-free gaming monitors make powerful debut in Taiwan)
BenQ台灣區不閃屏顯示器系列再增添新兵,推出首款電競不閃屏顯示器RL2240HE,專為RTS( 即時戰略)遊戲玩家強力打造,獨有的遊戲模式,加上不閃屏護眼技術,獲得LOL王牌戰隊Gambit Gaming與有星海獸王之稱的Grubby一致推薦。全新RL2240HE電競不閃屏顯示器(大黃蜂)除延續正宗黑平衡(Black eQualizer)玩家血統,更首次將獨家不閃屏技術導入電競機種,讓玩家減緩因長時間專注於螢幕產生之疲憊。
BenQ Taiwan’s flicker-free gaming monitor series has added a new model, the first flicker-free monitor designed especially for gamers: the RL2240HE. Optimized for real-time strategy gaming in particular, the RL2240HE provides a unique gaming mode, along with eye-protecting flicker-free technology, garnering recommendations from ace League of Legends team Gambit Gaming and renowned StarCraft II champion Grubby. The all-new RL2240HE flicker-free gaming monitor retains the Black eQualizer optimization feature, while marking the first time that BenQ’s exclusive flicker-free technology has been incorporated into a gaming monitor model, relieving the eye fatigue that can afflict gamers from long periods of time staring at a computer screen.
西班牙電競玩家體驗BenQ顯示器 (XL2720 prescription on youtube during streaming of gaming tournament in Spain)
西班牙電競玩家使用BenQ顯示器進行對戰,精彩賽事與BenQ XL系列的卓越性能在youtube上同步放送!
XL prescription product on Youtube:
• XL2720T prescription monitor during streaming of Youtubers beat end users tournament, thanks to the collaboration with Versus Gamers Online Shop:
• Prescription of all range XL monitors by a well-know caster during streaming of tournament of Pain Gaming vs eNigma team, thanks to the collaboration with Versus Gamers e-tailer shop and EuroGamers Streaming:
BenQ贊助西班牙電競活動 (Sponsoring gaming tournament and overclocking in El Ejido in Spain)
LCD Gaming Tournament and OC, El Ejido:
First Gaming competition in shopping center Copo in El Ejido (Almeria, in the south of Spain) for Overclocking and Gaming Tournament (LoL / CS Go / FIFA). Trying to get potential customers visiting the shop, using our products and to arise interest in Gaming. Focusing on gaming products.
Screen: BenQ XL2420T
Projector: BenQ MX764
•Co-work companies :
GIGABYTE, BenQ, Corsair, PC BOX and Wizards e-Sports Club
•Date: 6 July 2013
•Place: Store PC BOX on El Copo, El Ejido, Almería
•Target audience: gamers, Expected approx. 300 visitants
BenQ家用投影機在西班牙獲好評 (W1500 press conference of new home cinema projectors series in Spain)
BenQ家用投影機W1500、W1080ST、W1070、W770ST、 W750在西班牙獲好評,提升BenQ在歐洲的品牌知名度。
W1500 press conference of new home cinema projectors series in Spain
Home Cinema products:
W1500 Hero Product
W1080ST, W1070, W770ST, W750 We explained our new Home Cinema product range projectors and also explain what will be our market strategy in order to increase our brand awareness.
Date: 26th of June Place: Espacio 32, Madrid
BenQ 品牌能見度在北美持續增長 (BQA Brand Performance Continued growth in 2Q 2013)
BQC感謝有你,世界因你而更加精彩----7/5(五)捐血活動 (BenQer in China selflessness blood donation)
2013年7月10日 星期三
BenQ GW2760HS顯示器在德國獲得好評 (GW2760HS award in PC Magazin in Germany)
BenQ GW2760HS顯示器在德國PC Magazin與他品牌顯示器的共同評測中獲得好評,在五個品牌顯示器中獲得第二名「very good」的評價。
The BenQ GW2760HS has been tested and compared to 5 other monitors by the German magazine “PC Magazin” and reached a “very good” result/2nd place in total.
See the logo and the test attached or in the below internet link: