2012年5月15日 星期二
XL2420T以FPS超強功能驚豔韓國網咖(XL2420T Promotion at FPS Zone Gaming Cafés in Korea)
BenQ Korea不僅銷售XL2420T到韓國各大網咖,也向電競玩家溝通XL2420T的關鍵功能和規格,提升我們的品牌能見度。
To enhance gamers' impression on BenQ XL2420T, BenQ Korea strengthen our brand exposure in 2 FPS Zone gaming cafés near Seoul, after sold 27pcs of XL2420T to the shops. Gamers not only experience the best gaming monitor from BenQ, but get to know the key features of our XL2420T by the in-store billboard and outdoor banners.
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