由BenQ贊助的BenQ 5Eplay全國電競巡迴賽, 全國六站巡迴賽事已過半,BENQ TFE職業電競隊繼前兩站(上海、武漢)奪冠後,穩紮穩打,在4月21日舉行的西安站線下決賽中繼續奪魁!BenQ 5Eplay全國電競巡迴賽還剩最後3站線下比賽, 電競的戰火下一站將燒到火辣辣的成都。讓我們共同期待!
The BenQ-sponsored BenQ 5Eplay national gaming tournament series, which encompasses six events in six locations in China, has already passed the halfway point, and the BenQ TFE professional gaming team with its steady play won the championship at the Xian tournament on 21 April, after winning in the first two events (in Shanghai and Wuhan). The final three events still remain to be contested, with the next one set to take place in Chengdu.
2012年5月1日 星期二
2012 BET全國電競巡迴賽賽程過半 BENQ TFE勇奪三連冠 (2012 BET national gaming tournament series passes halfway point; BENQ TFE winner of three consecutive championships)
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