6月將上路的油電雙漲政策帶動百物漲價,「節能」議題近期在台灣媒體延燒!為提升SmartEco節能投影機知名度進而帶來指名度,BenQ台灣區於Q2起推動SmartEco宣傳計畫。首波透過公關操作,將SmartEco結合節能新聞話題,於5/3(四)邀請台灣區五家主要產業媒體舉辦群訪座談,分享BenQ SmartEco節能系列投影機及推廣計畫,創造新聞曝光。
With new government policies in Taiwan set to take effect in June that will see gasoline and electricity prices rise, energy conservation is a hot topic in the local media. To increase the visibility of SmartEco projectors and subsequently build consumer preference for the brand, BenQ Taiwan began a publicity campaign during Q2. The first phase of the campaign used PR tactics to link SmartEco with the energy conservation issue so much in the news. On 3 May (Thursday), BenQ Taiwan invited five major industry media outlets to a discussion forum, where information was shared on the SmartEco power-efficient projector series and an associated promotional campaign, creating significant exposure.
2012年5月13日 星期日
BenQ投影機SmartEco系列媒體群訪 (BenQ SmartEco projectors subject of detailed media coverage)
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