2012年5月9日 星期三
BenQ 電競螢幕與電競冠軍女神金佳暎同步出手通路活動直擊暨媒體報導 (BenQ gaming monitor joined by gaming champion Aphrodite in channel events and media reports)
BenQ致力打造專業電競螢幕形象,本月份與電競周邊製造商ZOWIE GEAR共同邀請ZOWIE DIVINA 2011《星海爭霸II》世界冠軍、年僅22歲的星海女神-Aphrodite(金佳暎)來台。擁有亮麗外型及高超技術的金佳暎不僅拿下兩個最重要的國際女子星海賽事冠軍頭銜,亦於2012加入由BenQ贊助之星海爭霸世界盟主職業戰隊Star Tale,並成為BenQ專業電競螢幕RL系列代言人。上周特地跨海來台舉辦媒體懇談會並於4/21、4/22周末聚辦北中南三場全台巡迴見面會,與粉絲做近距離互動。
BenQ is devoting effort to building an image as the brand for professional gaming monitors. This month BenQ joined with gaming equipment manufacturer Zowie Gear to invite Aphrodite, the 22-year-old StarCraft II world champion from Korea, to visit Taiwan. Blessed with striking looks and extraordinary skills, Aphrodite has won two of the most important international women’s StarCraft II championship titles. In addition, in 2012 she joined BenQ’s professional gaming team, Star Tale, as well as becoming the spokesperson for BenQ’s RL gaming monitor series. Aphrodite made a special trip to Taiwan to take part in a media Q&A session, as well as make three public appearances over the weekend on 21 and 22 April in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, where she was able to personally greet her many fans in Taiwan.
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