2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ遊戲顯示器RL2450HT助陣武漢影馳嘉年華 (BenQ’s RL2450HT gaming monitor heats up the action at Galaxy E-sports Carnival)

2012武漢影馳嘉年華活動,重磅推出超人氣對戰網游《英雄聯盟LOL》電子競技對抗賽。並邀請了國內WE.i-Rocks、AG迅遊、LGD、皇族四支頂尖戰隊前來,爭奪冠軍頭銜。在這個眾強雲集的電競賽場上,BenQ遊戲顯示器RL2450HT 亮相主舞臺,為選手們提供專為LOL這類RTS遊戲設計的液晶遊戲顯示器,助力戰隊發揮到最佳水準。同時也讓參賽選手們之間可以盡情對戰,使前來參加活動的玩家們欣賞到無與倫比的精彩賽事。在2012影馳嘉年華活動現場,BenQ還另外在全場提供90餘台遊戲顯示器,可供玩家親自上機體驗,讓前去參加活動的玩家們除了可以觀賞到精彩,還可以與比賽選手一起體驗BenQ遊戲顯示器帶來的精彩!

The Galaxy E-sports Carnival is a popular gaming tournament in China’s Wuhan, and this year leading gaming teams were invited to match wits and test skills at League of Legends (LOL) as they vied for the championship. BenQ’s RL2450HT gaming monitor was a key part of the fiercely contested matches, making an appearance on the main stage, giving the gamers the benefit of an LCD monitor specially designed for RTS games such as LOL. The competitors were able to show their skills to their full potential—and enjoy the exciting, fast-paced action without worries about display performance. At the event venue, BenQ also provided more than 90 gaming monitors for attendees to try out for themselves, letting them not only enjoy the tournament gameplay, but get some first-hand experience with the exciting viewing experience of the BenQ gaming monitors used in the tournament.

