2013年1月17日 星期四

泰國展開攝影活動推廣BenQ G1 (G1 Experience Event with Thailand Tourism Authority)

十二月BenQ G1在泰國展開攝影活動,讓高中與大學生體驗G1相機。攝影比賽最後更送出G1給四位獲勝成員!

In December, BenQ Thailand sponsored Ton-Kra-Taklong project, which was organized by Tourism Authority of Thailand. With this project, BenQ Thailand has chance to communicate with young students how to use BenQ digital cameras to take good photos. It's a nice approach to let the teenagers feel and experience the unique features of G1, such as self portrait by swivel panel, and special filters to make their image more creative.

On Dec. 1st to 2nd, also 15th to 16th, students visited several famous scenic spots Benjamabhorphit Temple and Phimai historical park. They used BenQ cameras to take their best shot for a photo contest.

Totally100 attendants including high school and university students joined the event, experienced G1 and learned photo-taking skills. A photo sharing and comment session was arranged on the last day, and in the end, 4 final winners won BenQ cameras as prizes!

During the event, all students had great interaction with BenQ, they were satisfied with photos taken by BenQ camera and post their photos via fcebook to inform friends BenQ G1 and their wonderful trip! Through this kind of sponsorship, we not only earned exposure to potential buyers but successfully strengthen G1 awareness via the power of word-of-mouth.

