2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ Smart LED智慧大型液晶 全方位體驗活動,與消費者零距離! (Consumers experience BenQ Smart LED flat-panel TVs up close at comprehensive hands-on event)

BenQ Smart LED 繼電視廣告強力曝光後,更進一步針對消費者做深度溝通,以期目標客群透過親身體驗的方式,實際感受到BenQ Smart LED智慧液晶「全能家教在你家」針對台灣親子量身打造的魅力,以及BenQ「獨特在地化」、「可擴充性」相較於其他智慧機種的差異優勢;近日接連舉辦網友體驗會&全省體驗車巡迴活動,以主動出擊的態勢,於年底銷售旺季強力推廣!

After gaining strong exposure in television commercials, BenQ’s Smart LED flat-panel TVs are being spotlighted in more in-depth communications with consumers. BenQ’s aim is to use hands-on events to give target consumers an opportunity to personally experience the appeal of the television’s family-oriented features, which were tailored specifically for Taiwan. BenQ also hopes to demonstrate that the localization features as well as the Smart LED’s extensibility make it stand out from other smart TVs. Recently, BenQ held just such a hands-on event that was publicized online, but we are also providing opportunities to experience the Smart LED first-hand throughout Taiwan via a specially equipped van. BenQ’s aggressive moves came to a head during the year-end holiday season, providing a powerful push to sales.

