2013年1月9日 星期三

BenQ投影機GP10獲得精品購物指南鋒尚2012數碼外設獎 (BenQ’s GP10 projector wins award in mass-market magazine as one of 2012’s best digital peripherals)


BenQ’s GP10 mobile projector has won a number of product of the year awards from the IT media. An even greater source of pride is that in a media outlet with a mass circulation—China’s Lifestyle magazine—BenQ’s was the only projector brand to win an award as digital peripheral of the year.

Moreover, the magazine also conducted an interview with James Huang, product director for BenQ China’s projector business division. During the interview, Huang explained that BenQ pursued product innovation for specific market segments in 2012, and he also provided a concise introduction of all BenQ’s projector products. Huang further stated that BenQ’s development direction for 2013 remains accommodation of consumer needs through product technology innovation.

