2013年1月14日 星期一

狂賀!BenQ 台灣區榮譽大滿貫 全產品獲2012科技趨勢金獎5項獎項肯定! (BenQ Taiwan wins big, taking home five prizes, at annual tech trends awards)

科技界最大盛事一「年度科技趨勢金獎」,今年由台灣三家專業權威媒體- PC HOME、電腦王、T客邦共同主辦,並於1月9日舉行了盛大的頒獎典禮,BenQ不負眾望,不僅四大產品線之代表商品全數入圍,上市以來即攻占網路社群,討論度超高的數位投影機GP10 與電腦液晶顯示器VW2430H更不負眾望一舉奪下影音娛樂類ヽ電腦周邊類雙料金獎!


The Annual Tech Trends Awards, one of the Taiwan tech scene’s biggest events, was organized this year by three authoritative industry media—PCHome, PC home Advance, and Techbang. The awards ceremony took place on 9 January, and BenQ did not disappoint, not only having a representative product from each of its four major product lines nominated for an award, but winning gold medals in the multimedia entertainment and computer peripherals categories, respectively, for the GP10 digital projector—which has generated tremendous amounts of discussion in online communities ever since it was released—and the VW2430H computer monitor.

BenQ pays close attention to consumer needs, continually developing outstanding products that can satisfy a variety of such needs. The Awards have always judged products from a consumer perspective, building a bridge between vendors and consumers, and enabling both sides to better understand each other—thereby promoting the industry’s health. BenQ’s commitment is to creating technology that delights users, continually pressing itself to introduce new advances. Its hope is to have insight into market needs, providing consumers with the best products for their needs. At this year’s Awards, BenQ won two gold medals, and three prizes for popularity and channel recommendations. These honors not only signal the approval BenQ has gained from the industry media, but demonstrate that the direction that BenQ has pursued does indeed fit well with market trends. As 2013 begins, let us join and continue to enjoy technology that delights.

