2013年1月17日 星期四

BenQ參加新加坡電玩展 (Licence 2 Play in Singapore)

BenQ參加新加坡Licence 2 Play電玩展,我們與Wargaming.net共同參與三天的活動,會場共有多台XL系列顯示器供玩家體驗。

Licence 2 Play is one of the biggest gaming shows in Singapore. It was held from Dec. 7th to 9th and the estimated turnout over the 3 days was about 150,000. BenQ Singapore participated as a joint promotion with Wargaming.net, the South East Asia game publisher of World of Tanks, to create awareness for BenQ's gaming monitor in the gaming arena in Singapore.

As the gaming monitor sponsor, BenQ Singapore lent 14 units of XL2420T for tournament, 12 units of XL2420T for experience zone and 9 units for prizes and lucky draw. During 3-day event, BenQ techies were arranged to demonstrate product features to spectators while BenQ girls distributed flyer with raffle draw information. We also got emcees' assistance to talk about BenQ gaming monitors on stage and played BenQ gaming video in public. In the meanwhile, BenQ Singapore updated event details on facebook fan page to give more event news to all BenQ fans.

