2016年2月16日 星期二
BenQ專業家用投影機相繼亮相北京、上海專業視聽會 受資深發燒友肯定 (BenQ home projectors make appearances at demo events in Beijing and Shanghai, winning plaudits from enthusiasts)
2015年12月,專業家用投影機相繼亮相北京家電論壇網友體驗會和上海AV199 「旗艦器材&發燒友面對面」活動並與多家知名音響品牌連袂為AV器材發燒友帶來一場頂級視聽盛宴,深受知名版主、大V肯定。活動現場不僅有資深編輯推薦更有知名版主月臺講解,深得大家肯定,更有人現場下單購買,活動火爆。
In December 2015, we showed our home projectors at a Beijing home appliances hands-on demo event and a similar event in Shanghai for AV equipment enthusiasts. For the events, BenQ joined forces with several well-known brand vendors in the AV equipment space to offer attendees a multimedia spectacular that won raves from online opinion leaders. Not only did senior editors on hand recommend the new projectors, but online personalities provided commentary from the stage, winning positive notices for themselves and sparking sales of BenQ projectors during the events themselves, making for a very lively scene.
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