2016年2月16日 星期二

韓國媒體給予BenQ家用投影機高度正面評價 (Positive voice from digital media about W2000 Rec. 709 PRJ from Korea)

韓國媒體給予BenQ家用投影機W2000 和Rec. 709正面評價,受Media it的專業評測編輯好評,認為它的精確色彩、科技技術讓重視影像的消費者留下令人驚艷的第一印象。Vingle.net的線上評測文章更是獲得近四萬的瀏覽數。

W2000 professional product review by Influencer Won-tae Choi, famous AV product analysist of Korea key media “Media it”. The review had been published and gave positive comments on W2000. In this article, Mr. Choi thanks to its Rec709 accurate color performance which is difficult to perform the color to match with Rec.709 standard, good to see BenQ did pretty well at the first shot. http://www.it.co.kr/news/article.html?no=2814099
BQkr also generated digital content with nice quality and deliver the user benefits and technical information about the accurate color of Rec. 709 PRJ via SNS Marketing “Vingle”, it’s easier and faster to interact with online users. Till now there are 39,900 views for W2000/Rec.709 topic.

