2016年2月4日 星期四
BenQ導演機與印度經銷商相見歡 (BQin Rec. 709 PRJ Dealer meet on Dec. 18~19)
BQin hosted the launch event for Rec. 709 PRJ combined with Dealer Meet and Media launch on Dec. 18-19.
Well Introduce the new model by BenQ team, and arrange the comparative demo of Rec709 projector W3000 and colour management monitor PG2401PT compared with the output of Epson TW6600 & Panasonic AE8000, which got excellent feedback from partners. Also, BQin invite the key technology journalist Mr. Rajiv Makhni to the event, and arrange the Talk show between Rajeev to talk about the true color experience and myths of display technology in India.
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