明基材料旗下AnsCare安適康醫護產品「安適康快寧敷貼」與「安適康皙佳疤痕護理矽凝膠」,榮獲「第24屆台灣精品獎」(Taiwan Excellence Awards 2016)。「安適康快寧敷貼」屬急救系列產品,幾丁聚醣(甲殼素)纖維製成,具快速止血、抑菌與傷口照護能力,自黏式背材設計讓醫護人員或患者皆能快速上手使用。「安適康皙佳疤痕護理矽凝膠」為傷口護理系列產品,醫療級矽凝膠搭配酯化維他命C配方,加強淡化黑色素,疤痕治療更加全面。
BenQ Materials participated in the CES show that ran from January 6 to 9 in Las Vegas, showing our privacy window and PDLC (polymer dispersed liquid crystal) concept products. In order to showcase these products' privacy protection features and stimulate attendees' curiosity, the booth used a closed-off design coupled with an eye-catching outside wall illustration, along with an easy-to-grasp and to-the-point animated guide. During the four days of the show, the booth saw an unending stream of visitors, and the innovative product design won universal plaudits.