2016年1月8日 星期五

treVolo靜電藍牙揚聲器 台灣區新年限定優惠活動開跑 (treVolo Bluetooth electrostatic speakers get boost from Taiwan sales promotion to welcome new year)

迎接新年來到,以美好的音樂開啟每一天,treVolo靜電藍牙揚聲器於2015年12月28日 ~ 2016年2月14日舉辦新年優惠活動,只要購買treVolo,上網填寫指定問卷,並email回傳保卡以及發票電子檔,即可獲得誠品禮券$1,000元!  treVolo獨特靜電薄膜技術,細膩通透的音質、優美時尚的外型,與你一起品味好生活,迎接嶄新的2016!

To celebrate the arrival of the new year, and make it easier to enjoy beautiful music to begin each day, treVolo Bluetooth electrostatic speakers are the subject of a discount promotion from December 28, 2015 to February 14, 2016. Anyone purchasing treVolo and completing the designated questionnaire, who then emails the warranty card and digital image of their receipt to BenQ, will receive an Eslite gift certificate for NTD1000. treVolo's unique electrostatic film technology provides detailed, crystalline sound quality, while the speakers themselves please the eyes with their stylish appearance. They enhance your lifestyle with graceful aesthetics and are a great way to welcome the new year.

