2016年1月18日 星期一

第一屆BenQ China代理商長征幼教培訓營順利結束 (Inaugural edition of BenQ China's reseller training camp successfully concludes)

12月14日至16日,BenQ China代理商長征幼教培訓營正式開營,邀請來自全國各地的16家代理商共計23人參加培訓會。會議從國家政策出發,分析互聯網+大背景下,幼教資訊化行業的必然趨勢,並詳細介紹長征幼教方案O2O辦學模式與推廣過程中的相關經驗,獲得與會者的一致點贊!

From December 14 to 16, BenQ China's training camp for resellers to the preschool education market took place. A total of 23 people representing 16 resellers from throughout China were invited to participate. The training camp took national strategy as a foundation, analyzing the inexorable trend toward digitalization of preschool education with the impact of IoT and the general societal environment. In addition, the sessions included detailed information on long-term preschool education solutions including O2O programs and relevant experience acquired in the process of promoting such solutions, winning praise from those present.

