BenQ打造全球首款護眼4K電視,2016全新上市,55RZ7500更榮獲精品獎肯定!非單純降低藍光,而是過濾掉容易傷害眼睛的短波藍光,將色彩表現位移至對眼睛較無害的長波藍光區段,護眼同時完整呈現色彩銳利度與對比度,並運用4K UHD影像升頻處理技術,增加清晰度以及細節的處理,享受高質感UHD畫質以及色彩不失真的極致感動。
同時BenQ 的護眼4K智慧藍光大型液晶,內建三組應用模式,包括標準舒眼、長時舒眼、超長時舒眼模式。消費者可以根據使用情境的不同,按下遙控器上的低藍光鍵,直接選擇不同的模式,依照需求隨時調整,快速又便利。
BenQ has created the world's first eye-protective 4K television with the 55RZ7500, and has just launched the Taiwan Excellence award-winning TV for 2016. The new TV not only reduces blue light, but it also screens out short-wavelength blue light that can easily damage the eyes, shifting colors to longer-wavelength blue light that is safer. While protecting the eyes, the TV maintains full color sharpness and contrast, and utilizes 4K UHD image upscaling technology, increasing crispness and enhancing detail, offering premium UHD picture quality and realistic color.
BenQ's eye-protective 4K smart blue light large-screen flat-panel TV also includes three built-in viewing modes—standard, extended-viewing, and extra-extended-viewing eye-protective. Based on their particular usage scenario, users can select the desired mode using the remote control's low blue light button, for fast and easy adjustment.