2015年8月16日 星期日

明基醫院蘇州院區消息 (Suzhou BenQ Medical Center news)

明基醫院“Open Day”再獲成功  品牌推廣無處不在
7月18日,明基醫院“招聘參觀日”再度來襲。人力資源部繼去年首創“Open Day”招聘參觀開放日後,此次又與丁香園多點執業平臺聯合,推出蘇州院區專場。原定開放的150個名額一周內便提前“搶”空,共吸引到各醫學院醫學生、各學科臨床醫師、醫技、護理等166名醫療人才報名參加。“Open Day”的意義已不僅僅在於招聘,更是一種自我形象的展示,它已成為明基醫院品牌形象的推廣管道之一。


7月23日下午,蘇州明基醫院老年科每月一次的長青會康樂營在住院部7樓老年活動室舉行。本次活動首先由胡爺爺進行健康長壽故事分享,除此之外, “蘇州版鄧麗君”吳賢玲阿姨的一首《甜蜜蜜》,餘音繞梁、溫婉動聽,將現場的爺爺奶奶們帶入了匆匆那年青春歲月的回憶裏。




蘇州院區關注母乳餵養 讓職場媽媽們做到成功母乳餵養

酷爽暑假 蘇州院區眼科篩查正在進行中




BenQ Medical Center’s open house a success, raises visibility of brand

On July 18, BenQ Medical Center’s open house for job-seekers took place. The human resources department organized the first such event last year, and this year, we again worked with health care portal website DXY to create a dedicated area within the Suzhou BenQ Medical Center facilities.  The admission quota of 150 was met even earlier than expected, with the event drawing students from various medical schools, clinical physicians of different specialties, medical technicians, and nursing professionals. In all, a total of 166 aspirants registered to attend. The significance of the open house is not only in recruiting new employees, but its serving as a showcase for BenQ Medical Center, and the event has already become an important avenue for promoting the BenQ Medical Center brand.

Reporters from local Suzhou TV station visit and take part in training camp

On July 23, more than 20 journalists from Suzhou’s SBS TV station came to Suzhou BenQ Medical Center for a medical training camp. They toured the emergency room, infant swimming pool, obstetrics department, rehabilitation medicine department, ophthalmology department, and dentistry department. Not only did they gain a more thorough understanding of the work that is done in each department, but they expanded their everyday medical knowledge, while also acquiring a sense of Taiwan’s patient-centric approach to medical care services.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Geriatrics holds July social

On the afternoon of July 23, Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Geriatrics held its monthly social in the activity hall of the inpatient wards on the 7th floor. The event led off with the sharing of stories by “Grandpa Hu” illustrating principles behind health and longevity. In addition, the soothing melody of a song by a renowned local singer evoked memories of youth in the seniors who participated.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center successfully concludes class for expectant mothers

On July 25, Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s class for expectant mothers took place in the hospital’s international conference hall, with nearly 200 people attending. In the morning session, the mothers-to-be learned about the birthing process, problems encountered during childbirth, and how to respond to these problems and work with physicians to resolve them. The afternoon session taught them about breathing methods to reduce pain, as well as helped them to understand special techniques used during the childbirth process. Through the class, most of the expectant mothers were able to reduce their anxiety about childbirth, giving them greater confidence in themselves and their baby.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center holds summer medical camp

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s summer medical camp took place on July 26 and August 1. Nearly 80 families who are part of a local charity organization participated in the camp. The varied program of activities gave youngsters first-hand experience of health care, deepening their understanding of medical facts while also enabling them to gain a sense of Taiwanese hospitals’ patient-first approach to medical services.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s concern for health continues through torrid summer heat

Since the signing of an agreement to run the “BenQ Community Health Care Program for Seniors and the Disabled”, the BenQ Foundation and the Golden Home Community have regularly held health lectures and free health screenings. On July 28, we visited the Golden Home Community to present a health lecture on the topic of “Self-Directed Control of Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors” along with a free eye examination, both of which were warmly welcomed by the seniors in attendance.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center offers tips to working mothers on breastfeeding their infants

Drawing on the occasion of the 24th World Breastfeeding Week, from August 5 to 7 the BenQ Foundation joined forces with Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology to organize a seminar on the topic of how to successfully raise an infant on breast milk. The three-day seminar provided quite a few mothers-to-be with a new understanding of breastfeeding. Many of them expressed a determination to breastfeed for the sake of their baby’s health.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology holds summer eye health screenings

From July 1 to September 30, Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s ophthalmology center provided free ophthalmological screenings for children, adults, and seniors.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center successfully conducts gallstone screenings

From July 7 to 24, on Tuesday mornings as well as Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, Suzhou BenQ Medical Center offered gallstone screenings, and more than 150 city residents took advantage.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s provides traditional Chinese medicine summertime treatment

July 13 marks the beginning of the hottest period of summer on this year’s lunar calendar, a perfect time to offer a traditional Chinese medicine procedure known as sanfutie, which aims to help people avoid winter ailments through preventative treatment given in the summer. Since July 4, in fact, Suzhou BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has offered sanfutie treatment to patients. More than 1000 people have received the treatment, in which medicated patches are placed on various acupuncture points on the body. Traditional Chinese medicine doctors Zhong Bing-cheng and Pan Yu-cheng examined each patient’s pulse and then, based on each patient’s physical condition, applied the appropriate patches.

Suzhou BenQ Medical Center now offers 4D ultrasound imaging

After the introduction of 2D and then 3D ultrasound imaging, 4D ultrasound has been developed to examine the baby while in the mother’s womb. Suzhou BenQ Medical Center now offers 4D ultrasound imaging by appointment if an expectant mother requests it from her obstetrician during an examination.

