2015年8月16日 星期日

BenQ Taiwan 爆笑微電影 6天破百萬觀看數!追劇女孩與她的杯具男孩 (BenQ Taiwan’s hilarious mini-movie draws over a million views in six days)


BenQ洞悉大畫面追劇的需求,設定『追劇族』為目標族群,針對其喜愛的 “劇”作為故事主軸,從日常行為到用語、看劇的內容到居家布置,無一不鉅細靡遺的置入劇中,期望引發共鳴!2015超爆笑迷你劇『追劇女孩與她的杯具男孩』因此誕生!

A market research report for 2015 indicated that more than 40% of consumers use the Internet to watch episodes of TV series, and in Taiwan, more than 40% of such consumers favor Korean dramas. The research also found that more than 90% of users who view TV shows online spend 2 hours or more on average. However, watching content on a small computer screen is not only tiring, but bad for the eyes.
BenQ understands the need for a big screen on which people can view their favorite content, and our latest promotional campaign targets TV show enthusiasts, using their love of these shows as the basis for the storyline of the mini-movie. From everyday behaviors to the way they speak, from the content of popular shows to the arrangement of their living spaces—it’s all part of the story, and a means to win over these consumers. And that’s how BenQ’s hilarious mini-movie came to be!

