繼去年獲得消費者好口碑的RH低藍光黑湛屏系列,本月再推出新款40IH6500 & 50IH6500新機種,除了原先的護眼低藍光四段設計,在遙控器部分更獨家地貼心導入低藍光功能熱鍵,讓消費者可更輕易地進行護眼模式調整,給你健康好視野!
Following last year’s low blue light VA-LCD RH series that received positive word of mouth from consumers, this year we are launching the new 40IH6500 and 50IH6500 models. In addition to the four-stage eye-protective low blue light design used in the originals, we have added a hot button for the low blue light function on the remote control, giving consumers the ability to more easily adjust eye-protection modes. You can protect the health of your eyes as you enjoy a great view.