BenQ長期耕耘家用市場,三坪機更是家用投影機的最佳選擇。最新上市的 W1350 劇院級大變焦3坪投影機,除了延續過往短焦、側投優點,現更升級到2500 ANSI流明。這次BenQ 選在一個悠閒周六(5/16)午後,與HD Club合辦鑑賞會,與粉絲一起在精研專業視聽室裡,吹著沁涼冷氣,享用精緻美食,透過欣賞各式影片,用雙眼見證W1350所帶來精緻的視覺包覆,體驗BenQ帶來的革命性震撼!
BenQ has long cultivated the home projector market, and our short-throw home projectors are the best choice for consumers in this space. The newly introduced W1350 is a cinema-class high-zoom projector that not only retains the short-throw projection and side projection features of its predecessors, but also offers an upgraded 2500 ANSI lumen projector lamp. To spotlight the new projector, BenQ selected a leisurely Saturday (May 16) afternoon to team up with HD Club on a live demo. BenQ fans gathered at a sophisticated multimedia studio, enjoying the refreshing air conditioning and some scrumptious delicacies as they watched a variety of videos and saw for themselves the extraordinary viewing experience that the W1350 brings.