BenQ 4G LTE全頻智慧手機B50首度與網路人氣插畫家「翻白眼吧!溫蒂妮小姐。」跨界合作,推出超萌Q版B50 「翻白眼吧!溫蒂妮小姐。」特飾版 (B50智慧型手機 + 「翻白眼吧!溫蒂妮小姐」設計限量保護殼一個),限量1,000組!永無復刻版!BenQ 4G LTE全頻手機B50,雙卡雙待搭載四核心及800萬相機畫素,五吋高畫質IPS大螢幕搭配萌版保護殼「翻白眼吧!溫蒂妮小姐。」,好用好癒療好質感!
BenQ is working with popular online illustrator Undine to promote our B50 full-band 4G LTE smartphone. The collaboration has produced a special version of the B50 (the B50 plus an Undine-designed special-edition protective case), available in limited quantities of only 1000 units. BenQ’s 4G LTE full-band smartphone B50 features dual-SIM dual-standby functionality, a quad-core processor, 8-megapixel camera, and high-quality 5" IPS LCD screen—paired with a special-edition protective case for this promotion. What you have is a phone that's great to use and that feels great in the hand.