2015年6月9日 星期二

BenQ電競館高峰論壇•中國平頂山站順利閉幕 (BenQ’s e-sports venue summit in Pingdingshan comes to a successful conclusion)

5月11日,100多位網吧投資人、指定服務商、全國核心代理商聚首平頂山,參與BenQ電競館高峰論壇。“電競2.0 夢想的原點”深入剖析,揚州、鹽城電競館成功案例展示、平頂山電競館兩周時間反敗為勝紀實等彙報引人入勝。本次論壇也實現了里程碑式的一躍——BenQ電競大聯盟收費模式公佈,這是BEL現階段非常關鍵的一步!

On May 11, more than 100 net cafe investors, appointed service vendors, and national resellers or their representatives gathered in the Chinese city of Pingdingshan to participate in BenQ’s summit on e-sports venues. The summit provided in-depth analysis, presented the success stories that BenQ’s e-sports venues in Yangzhou and Yancheng have achieved, and documented how the venue in Pingdingshan made a comeback in two weeks—keeping the participants enthralled. The summit also marked the attainment of a milestone as BenQ announced the institution of a paid model for the BenQ eSports League, a truly major step in its development.

