2014年12月15日 星期一
BenQ專業顯示器亮相北京第九屆智慧城市大會 (BenQ pro monitors on view at Beijing smart city-themed event)
11月3日-4日,第九屆中國智慧城市建設技術研討會暨設備博覽會在北京國際會展中心隆重開幕。大會作為國家級、國際化的城市資訊化年度盛典,已成功舉辦了八屆,本屆主題“創新•融合•服務”。BenQ專業顯示器BL2710PT再度攜手麗台科技,搭載SolidWorks軟體和NVIDIA Quadro專業圖形卡,在技術設備展區進行展示,吸引到場參會嘉賓的廣泛關注。
From 3 to 4 November, the 9th China Smart City Construction Technology Seminar and Equipment Expo took place in Beijing's China International Exhibition Center. The Expo, which had already been successfully staged eight times, has become one of the major annual smart city-themed events on the national and even international, scene. This year, BenQ once again joined forces with Leadtek, demoing the BL2710PT pro monitor running SolidWorks projects on a system with Nvidia's Quadro pro graphics card, attracting wide-ranging interest from attendees.
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