2014年12月18日 星期四

BenQ無線投影解決方案在歐洲推廣 (BenQ Wireless Projection in Europe)

BenQ無線投影解決方案在歐洲推廣,包括實體展會Inmac Tradeshow、JPO LAVI或者線上的行銷活動等,一同吸引消費者目光。

Wireless Projection Campaign closing report from Europe
Wireless Projection Campaign, which officially ends by November 30th, but the last events already took place last week. In this closing report you will find an overview of all materials created, all events taken place and some press clippings.

Wireless projection solutions shown at Inmac Tradeshow in Paris, France
Please see attached pictures of BenQ booth during Inmac show last week.
This show is dedicated to BtoB end customers.

We had a good opportunity to present Wireless solutions by BenQ.
Demo : Qcast / WFHD Kit
PPT presentation : PRJ / Wireless
1 monitor used to display PPT

100% focused on PRJ solutions as no monitor business with Inmac yet.

Key contacts where following:
Lapeyre (High End / DYI / Kitchen and Bathroom) Highschools Soho / BtoB These are valuable contacts as decision makers...

Wireless projection solutions shown at JPO LAVI event in Paris, France
LAFI is a corporate reseller who invited all their key customers to a dealer day on November 28th
The demonstration was on Qcast dongle, wireless projection.

Wireless projection solutions presented to VIP channel partners in Moscow, Russia
We had produce awards for partners, special nomination for each distributor -  it was pleasant surprise for our partners.

Wireless projectors cinema events in Austria and Switzerland
Wireless projection solutions presented to Continental Automotive Development  Center in Timișoara, Romania
Location:  Timișoara / 21.11.
      Participation - 200 employees of Continental Automotive Development  Center
      Vendors: BenQ, Apple, Samsung, HP, Asus and other consumer
      Demo products W1400 and W1080ST projectors, SP2, Wireless HDMI, Qcast

