2014年12月15日 星期一

電競2.0夢想的原點 BenQChina電競館全球首發 (The birth of a new vision of competitive gaming—BenQ China's e-sports venue debuts)

2014年11月29日,BenQ“電競2.0 夢想的原點”發佈會在揚州盛大召開,BenQ全球首家專業電競館在揚州1912街區正式揭幕。這是“BELBenQ電競大聯盟”構建以來首次進行公開活動,BenQ力圖從玩家與電競社交著手,打造全新形態的“電競2.0”!並且未來還將推出包括產品、App應用、賽事系統等在內的完善解決方案,助力網吧轉型升級,推動我國電子競技發展!

On 29 November 2014, BenQ's launch event announcing our new competitive gaming venue took place in Yangzhou, heralding the official debut of the world's first professional e-sports venue, located in Yangzhou's 1912 District. This is our first public event since the establishment of the "BELBenQ gaming league", and BenQ is aiming to focus on gamers and the social aspect of e-sports to create a new style of competitive gaming. In addition, moving forward BenQ will introduce comprehensive gaming solutions, including hardware products, software applications, and matchplay systems. At the launch event party, premium competitive gaming equipment, the brand-new pro e-sports venue, spectacular gaming matches, passionate competitors and gaming enthusiasts, cosplay performances, and Chinese drumming pieces were all there to convey the excitement of this new style of competitive gaming. After the conclusion of the launch event, media from around the country provided extensive coverage, stimulating discussion far beyond the location of the event itself.

