2014年12月15日 星期一
新文化新商道,BenQ China電競大聯盟策略說明會 (New culture and new business model—BenQ China holds strategy briefing on gaming league)
On 30 November, with BenQ having formally announced and commenced operations of the world's first purpose-built professional e-sports venue, we invited core distributors from throughout the country, along with the operators of the SI net cafes and net cafe investors, to explore the new possibilities that the move creates. Those in attendance were able to gain a sense of the next-generation of competitive gaming, its appealing social aspect, and the excitement it generates. We discussed the all-new business model represented by BenQ's competitive gaming league operations, and how BenQ's competitive gaming venue solution not onlt creates a new platform for gaming matches, but is also the foundation for building a new popular culture around gaming. Moreover, it gives net cafe owners an opportunity to transform and upgrade their businesses, finding breakthrough ideas and new business models.
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