2014年9月14日 星期日

台灣區 F5智慧手機特別企劃實境秀 (BenQ Taiwan’s F5 smartphone subject of special reality show)


人生就是因為不知道下一秒會遇見什麼,才值得期待。做點改變,讓生活有了一刻的亮點!BenQ F5 4G LTE智慧手機,用4倍高感光,捕捉驚喜,有圖有真相!」


At the end of another monotonously routine day, I boarded a late-night bus, only to find a group of rapturously crazed seniors…and I captured the evidence in photos. How can an unexpected magical encounter give everyone a chance to shine?

What makes life worth anticipation is not knowing exactly what the next moment will bring. Make some changes and life will show new sources of light. BenQ’s F5 4G LTE smartphone offers 4x high light sensitivity, making it easy to capture surprising moments in vivid detail.

Drawing on the social phenomenon that we observed, and illustrating the message we want to convey to consumers through the late-night bus experience, we hope to use this fun bit of video to win over consumers and even give them a sense of healing—thereby stimulating their interest in the product and beginning to make BenQ smartphones a new bright spot!

