2014年9月10日 星期三
BenQ榮膺ESWC賽事官方指定顯示器 (BenQ gaming monitors named official display for ESWC tournament)
國際三大最頂級電子競技賽事之一的ESWC將於10月29日-11月2日在法國巴黎舉行, ESWC2014全球決賽中國區預選賽已在8月中旬開放報名。為爭奪唯一一張法國巴黎總決賽入場券,一場屬於中國CS:GO頂級戰隊之間的巔峰對決即將開啟。BenQ作為ESWC2014中國區預選賽指定顯示器,也將與電競霸主共同開啟鏖戰世界的爭霸之旅!
ESWC, one of the international gaming community’s three most prestigious tournaments, will take place from 29 October to 2 November in Paris. Registration for Red Dragon ESWC 2014 China, the Chinese qualifier commenced in mid-August. To win the right to serve as China’s sole representative at the Paris championship, a battle among China’s elite CS:GO teams is about to begin. BenQ, as the provider of the official monitor for the China region qualifying matches is set to journey forth along with the winner as they battle for world supremacy.
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