2014年9月14日 星期日

BQtw 電競螢幕 參與Taiwan Open & 華義嘉年華 (BQtw’s gaming monitors in the spotlight at Taiwan Open and Fun with You gaming events)

電競玩家心目中No.1的專業螢幕BenQ,長期支持台灣電競賽事,本次參與電競界最盛大的賽事Taiwan Open 與華義嘉年華,讓玩家能一睹專業螢幕的風采,更能讓消費者親身體驗144Hz的急速快感與黑平衡的對比差異,現場消費者反應熱烈。

In the hearts of competitive gamers, BenQ is the #1 brand for monitors created specially for their passion. Our long-term support for Taiwan’s gaming tournaments continued with the recent Taiwan Open and Fun with You. Gamers were able to see BenQ’s gaming monitors at the events, where consumers were also able to experience first-hand the thrilling speed of 144Hz refresh rates and the difference that black balance makes to contrast ratios. Response from those on hand was overwhelmingly positive.

