2014年4月15日 星期二

BQtw 黃色風爆來襲 電競不閃屏 RL2240HE 通路活動起跑 (BenQ Taiwan organizes channel events for the RL2240HE flicker-free gaming monitor)

BenQ 大黃蜂席捲全省燦坤啦!!即日起前往活動地點參加體驗活動,體驗最酷炫的為玩家而生的電競螢幕~線上活動同步舉辦中,立即前往參加「BenQ 黃色風暴記憶力大挑戰!」就有機會獲得《NBA 2K14》遊戲片

BenQ’s black-and-yellow RL2240HE gaming monitor is in the spotlight at outlets of the popular TKEC electronics superstore chain throughout the island. Members of the public can go to any branch and experience for themselves the dazzling monitor that BenQ has created for gamers. A complementary online event is running as well, and those who participate have a chance to win a copy of the NBA 2K14 video game.

