2014年4月14日 星期一

BenQ MH680獲中國中關村評測 (BenQ MH680 reviewed on China’s ZOL.com website)

BenQ MH680就是針對有著辦公和娛樂兩方面需求的中小企業用戶量身定制的一款商住兩用投影機產品,擁有超強的投影性能和環保節能、人性化設計等特色,能夠為使用者帶來商務、娛樂屬性合二為一的全新體驗。

BenQ’s MH680 is a business and home-oriented projector tailored to the needs of small business users who want a projector for both work and entertainment use cases. The MH680 provides features such as extremely strong performance and environment-friendly energy efficiency, as well as an intuitive design. It is able to give users a fresh experience that combines business and entertainment possibilities in a single projector.

