2014年4月15日 星期二
追劇正夯!台灣區電視上網精靈趁勢追擊!瘋追什麼劇都輕鬆好上手! (BenQ Taiwan’s JD130 Smart Android dongle helps fans of online TV series content keep up with their favorites)
Since the launch of BenQ’s JD130 Smart Android dongle, which enables easy viewing of online content on TVs, a steady stream of television, online, and print advertising has sustained strong sales and rapidly built up consumer preference and positive word-of-mouth. In recent times, taking note of the popular phenomenon of watching episodes of foreign TV series online, we are highlighting how easy the JD130 makes it for fans of these TV series to keep up with the latest plot twists and view everything on the comfortably large screens of their televisions. We are working with prominent bloggers running sites that address the fans of TV series from Japan, Korea, and America, inviting them to publish accounts of their experience using the JD130. In addition, we are investing in online ads elicited by search terms related to popular TV series, so that consumers seeking content will have an opportunity to gain further information about the JD130, reinforcing its distinctive positioning as the “magic tool” for fans.
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