2013年6月10日 星期一
BenQ QisDesign照明精品璀璨登陸,點亮曼妙生活 (BenQ QisDesign boutique lighting products make a brilliant debut in China)
在日前于山城重慶成功舉辦的臺灣LED照明精品通路展上,BenQ QisDesign作為臺灣LED照明產業界主力廠商之一精彩亮相,向觀眾們集中展示了包含琴光(Piano)、戀灩(Coral)、海鷗(Seagull)以及Be Light等在內的多個系列高端LED精品燈飾,彰顯臺灣設計與科技實力。
In a recent channel exhibition focused on Taiwanese LED lighting products, BenQ QisDesign made a splash as one of the mainstays of the Taiwanese LED lighting industry. QisDesign showcased several high-end LED boutique lighting product lines, including its Piano, Coral, Seagull, and Be Light series, demonstrating Taiwan’s design and technology prowess.
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