本次在 BenQ總部 2F 舉辦的買盆栽,送愛心活動,吸引了相當多的同仁共襄盛舉,同仁所購買的盆栽,其費用將提撥 40% 的費用給予流浪貓保護協會,共募集了 7,076 元,謝謝大家的熱情贊助。
5/29( 三 ) 又再一次的讓同仁體現將 綠色環保與社會關懷緊密的結合,往後更希望大家再次熱情參與。
A sale of potted plants provided an opportunity for colleagues at BenQ headquarters to show their philanthropic side. 40% of proceeds from the sale when to the Taipei Stray Cats Protection Association, and a total of NTD7076 was raised. Thanks go to everyone for their enthusiastic support.
On Wednesday, 29 May there was yet another chance for colleagues to demonstrate the close association between environmental protection and social concern. Moving forward, we hope everyone will again participate eagerly.