2013年6月10日 星期一
BenQ China天機鏡KX890再出新品 太極版機械鍵盤從天而降 (BenQ China debuts stunning new keyboard)
BenQ China近日再度推出天機鏡太極版,以黑白絕妙配色為用戶帶來全新選擇。與前作相比,這次BenQ新款天機鏡KX890機械鍵盤玩起太極八卦,以象徵陰陽與乾坤的黑白兩色作為搭配,充滿濃厚的哲學意味與神話色彩!
BenQ China recently introduced a new mechanical keyboard. With its striking black-and-white color scheme, the keyboard offers discriminating users a outstanding choice for their PC keyboard. The new KX890 sets itself apart from previous BenQ keyboards, with its design resonating with Chinese users in particular because of its evocation of visual motifs associated with Taiji philosophy.
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