2013年6月10日 星期一
明基逐鹿人才資本創新管理系列論壇-台北站即將登場 (BenQ Guru’s seminar series on human capital management comes to Taipei)
提供全方位資訊化人資管理解決方案的明基逐鹿與知名管理專家將於7月5日攜手於台北明基大樓舉辦創新管理” 企業培訓e化 點燃創新人才火花” 巡迴論壇。內容主軸為企業選材並由培訓導引出創新能量提升企業成長動力;邀請開南大學專案管理研究所所長管孟忠博士、位速科技股份有限公司人資暨行政部經理唐勝瑩及明基逐鹿資深產品經理蘇睦惠,由學術結合實務與系統資訊化三種角度分享創新人才資本的關鍵報告,匯集戰勝市場挑戰、打造倍數獲利的創新人才投資規畫。線上報名與活動資訊
BenQ Guru, a supplier of comprehensive digitalized human capital management solutions, along with renowned management experts, will jointly hold a seminar at BenQ headquarters on 5 July. Part of the “Nurturing an Innovative Workforce through the Digitalization of Corporate Training” series, the seminar at BenQ headquarters focuses on personnel choices in enterprises and how to use training to unlock innovation that can drive business growth. BenQ Guru invited management experts from academia and government to give talks, while BenQ Guru’s own senior product manager Su Mu-hui is also slated to speak. The seminar will bring together findings from academic research combined with real-world usage cases and system digitalization implementations to share approaches for cultivating a more innovative workforce. It collects and presents ideas for overcoming market challenges and strategies for investing in an innovative workforce that can pay off in exponential increases in profitability.
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