2012年12月13日 星期四
最炫中國風 BenQ精裝電腦Qdesk花開富貴在中國全新上市 (BenQ Chinese theme computer debuted)
繼流行糖果色彩的明基Qdesk Candy糖果罐去年上市後廣受好評,明基近日再推中國風新品—Qdesk花開富貴。花開富貴產品包括黑銳麗家族新品GW2260E、鍵鼠套裝BV600和主機殼E600,其中顯示器GW2260E採用了保無亮點、漏光率最小化的高品質MVA+LED背光面板,3000:1超高的原生對比度、真實8bit色彩展現畫面更加清晰、銳利富有層次感,並有著178°廣視角,讓使用者無論在哪個方向都可以看到真實的畫面。
After BenQ’s Qdesk Candy with its trendy candy color scheme was received so favorably after debuting last year, BenQ recently introduced a new product in the series, this time with a Chinese theme. The new product includes the new GW2260E VA-LCD monitor, BV600 keyboard-and-mouse duo, and E600 system case. The GW2260E uses a high-quality MVA+LED backlighting module without stuck pixels and minimized light leakage, while also offering super-high native 3000:1 contrast ratio, and genuine 8-bit color for screen images with greater clarity, crispness, and sense of depth. It also delivers a 178° viewing angle, so users can enjoy a great viewing experience from any direction.
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