2012年12月12日 星期三
BenQ Smart LED大型液晶「全能家教在你家」-電視廣告首播! (TV commercial for BenQ Smart LED large-screen LCD TV with theme “complete tutor for your home” gets first airing)
BenQ針對「在地化」需求量身打造、最適合親子互動的台灣No.1智慧大型液晶再推新機種!BenQ 3D Smart LED大型液晶繼七月推出42型E42-6500,近日將推出最新55型E55-6500,內建英語、科學、成語、故事等豐富中英文親子教育App應用程式,包含小牛頓、衛普成語故事、Live ABC 、親子天下以及百本免費有聲書、線上影音智慧分類、優質兒童節目,就像孩子專屬的全能家教,讓學習直接從客廳開始!電視廣告播出,主打父母最關心的幼兒教養訴求,透過BenQ最豐富在地化的智慧機種,輕鬆與孩子共享優質教育時光!
BenQ has introduced a new model in Taiwan’s #1 large-screen flat-panel TV product family, which BenQ “localized” for the local market by adding family-oriented features. Following the 42” E42-6500 launched in July, the 3D Smart LED large-screen flat-panel TV series will be soon adding the latest 55” E55-6500 to its lineup. The new model includes an extensive array of built-in family learning apps in both English and Chinese with language, science, and storybook content. Features like 100 bundled audio books, smartly organized online audio and video, and high-quality children’s programming make the E55-6500 like a child’s own all-around tutor, enabling education to begin right in the living room. A TV commercial for the E55-6500 focuses on early childhood education, a topic of the highest concern to parents, using BenQ’s most richly featured localized model to give parents a way to share enjoyable time with their children as their children learn.
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