2012年12月16日 星期日
丹麥攝影雜誌給予BenQ GH700佳評 (good review GH700 in MetroXpress in Denmark)
MetroXpress雜誌將BenQ GH700與各大知名廠牌相機共同做評比,BenQ GH700獲得「值回票價」的評價與4/6的分數。
Comparison test of cameras with superzoom; Nikon Coolpix P510, Canon Powershot SX50, Pentax X-5 and BenQ GH700. Nikon camera became test winner scoring 5 out of 6. BenQ camera was commented ”Price worthy and simple” scoring 4 out of 6.
Newspaper circulation: 520,000 in Denmark
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