2012年12月14日 星期五

慶祝BenQ 11周年生日快樂-企業文化網站正式上線 (Celebrating BenQ’s 11th anniversary—corporate culture website goes online)

現代人常會用朋友的祝福話語來慶祝生日,在今年的 BenQ 生日,許多 BenQer說了許多精彩的故事。說的故事雖主題不同,內容也不同,但故事的內涵卻直指著相同的一件事,那就是 BenQ 企業文化。 myBenQ Culture 網站專門收錄明基最美的文化點滴,在 BenQ 生日這個值得慶賀的一天,正式推出。我們用文化的故事來歡慶,讓更多的人一同來見證明基之美。集團同仁如有使用需求,請洽Tessar.Sheu@BenQ.com

People often pay tribute to friends on their birthdays, and on the occasion of BenQ’s “birthday” this year, many BenQers have told many interesting stories in tribute. Though these stories might have different themes and narratives, they share a common essence in that they all in their own way illustrate BenQ’s corporate culture. The myBenQ Culture website collects the most beautiful portrayals of BenQ’s corporate culture, and officially went online to commemorate BenQ’s anniversary. We are using stories about the culture to celebrate, and enable more people to give witness to the beauty of BenQ.  If colleagues throughout the BenQ Group have a need to make use of material on the new website, please email to Tessar.Sheu@BenQ.com.

