2012年6月12日 星期二

BenQ顯示器獲歐洲媒體好評(BenQ Europe LCDM review)

上個月內,BenQ顯示器獲得歐洲媒體的評測包括:PC Active評測BL2400PT、Hardware.Info則將GL2240評測為Best Buy。XL2420T則經由TobiasCast、Ricardo “FOX” Pacheco、Zhelezo等網路媒體與部落客評測,以電競優異表現獲得極高評價。 

BL2400PT Review
PC Active – computer magazine in NL
Monthly magazine: 20,000 subscriptions
Conclusion: If you are looking for a good image editing monitor with a DisplayPort without paying too much for it, than the one of BenQ is a good choice.
Pros: cheapest DisplayPort model in the test, good colour gamma, excellent colour authenticity and contrast with black values.
Cons: slow response time, less brightness from
viewing angle, out-of-box colour temperature
needs to be calibrated.

Best Buy GL2240
Hardware.Info – 2nd largest hardware news portal in NL
Monthly 7,35 million page views / 1,88 million visitors  
AWARDED: BEST BUY – PC Advice May 2012 “entry level pc system”
Editorial page views: 4,513

