2012年6月17日 星期日

BenQ相機緊抓部落客的心 (BenQ DSC blogger gathering in Thailand)

5/23,BenQ在泰國舉辦與部落客的見面會,一同試用GH系列相機。主要介紹GH600與GH200兩款消費機種,所有與會的部落客也拍出許多動人的照片、分享BenQ的使用者友善功能。在中國同時也有部落客於BenQ Club分享使用GH200拍攝的心得網誌

BenQ Thailand hosted a blogger gathering on 23 May. They invited 10 selected bloggers who are well known in photography to be BenQ GH-series brand ambassador.

At the gathering, BenQ the company vision and full lineup of DSC were introduced with highlights on two focus models: GH600 and GH200. All the bloggers tried out GH-series and exchange ideas with BenQ staff. As BenQ brand ambassador, the 10 bloggers are granted an opportunity to use BenQ GH-series and share the photos taken on their blogs or facebook.
Some of the bloggers started to share nice photos taken by BenQ on their blogs, facebook or SNS sites, which help promote BenQ's excellent picture quality and user-friendly features. The same message are shared on BenQ Thailand facebook Page at the same time.

A new article from photographer Justin Wang, "Review of GH200" was published on BenQ Club in June. Justin recorded the beauty of Guizhou in China and let's see how amazing photos can be captured by GH200!

