BenQ台灣區持續推廣電競螢幕,與星盟電競情報網冠名舉辦「BenQ台韓職業戰隊邀請賽」,6/5晚上於台灣台北知名運動酒吧DA BAR舉辦BAR CRAFT電競活動,邀請實力堅強的中、韓職業戰隊STAR TALE與橘子熊,賽事全程使用BenQ RL系列電競螢幕,為星海爭霸玩家獻上一場熱力盛宴!當天玩家與粉絲聚集現場同熱,一同為支持的選手加油,線上觀戰人數成長達四倍,衝破三萬人次。終場壓軸特地安排橘子熊選手現身,現場粉絲High翻天,包含選手與現場體驗RL系列顯示器的玩家亦表示,BenQ獨家黑平衡模式功能能精確表現細節,可說是玩家的加分利器!選手們更肯定本次賽事有助於提升菁英選手實力,及推廣台灣電競發展!
BenQ Taiwan continues to promote BenQ gaming monitors. Its latest initiative was to work with the gaming website to organize the “BenQ Esport LCD Tournaments”. On the evening of 5 June, it staged the Bar Craft gaming event at popular Taipei sports bar Da Bar, inviting powerful Korean team Star Tale to battle Taiwan’s GamaBears. All the matches made use of BenQ’s RL series gaming monitors, and gave StarCraft gamers a memorable evening. Both competitors and their fans were full of enthusiasm, lending their support to their favorites. The online audience was even larger, with views surpassing 30,000. As a finale, members of the GamaBears made an appearance, and the fans at Da Bar were exuberant. Those on hand, including team members, to try the RL monitors all declared that BenQ’s exclusive black balance mode accurately renders details, giving gamers an edge in tightly contested matches. The pro gamers affirmed that the matches had helped raise the skills of elite competitors while promoting the development of gaming in Taiwan.