2015年5月19日 星期二

BenQ三項產品榮獲台灣精品獎 (Three BenQ products take home Taiwan Excellence Awards)

2015 年第 23 屆「台灣精品金銀質獎暨精品獎表揚典禮」 4/22 上午於台北國際會議中心舉行,會中除了揭曉「台灣精品金銀質獎」之外,也同步表揚 215 家獲得台灣精品獎的企業。

本屆獲得台灣精品獎的 BenQ 產品有曲面大型液晶電視 55RU6600 ;可攜式靜電藍芽揚聲器 treVolo ;以及電視上網精靈 JM-250 。其中 55RU6600 與 treVolo 更獲得銀質獎的肯定。 BenQ 產品從實現科技生活的真善美願景出發,思考消費者的使用情境,設計符合消費者需求的產品與服務,歷年來已有超過 54 項產品獲得台灣精品獎的肯定。

The Taiwan Excellence Gold & Silver Awards Ceremony 2015 took place on April 22 at the Taipei International Convention Center. During the event, not only were gold and silver award winners announced, but also recognition was given to the 215 companies that had been selected to receive Taiwan Excellence Awards.

The BenQ products winning a Taiwan Excellence Award this year included our 55RU6600 large-screen curved TV, the treVolo portable electrostatic Bluetooth speakers, and the JM-250 Smart Android Internet dongle. The 55RU6600 and treVolo were honored with silver awards. BenQ develops our products as realizations of the digital lifestyle’s full potential, as we consider how consumers will actually use them, designing products and services that serve consumers genuine needs. This approach has resulted in over 54 BenQ products winning Taiwan Excellence Award honors.

