2015年5月18日 星期一

BenQ投影機參與法國巴黎嘻哈盛會 (Projectors product sponsoring during exhibition The World of Hip Hop, Design and Street Art in Cultural Institute in Paris, France)


amazing collaboration with l’IMA as for the Hip Hop exhibition.
9 x SU917
3 x MX842UST
3 x MW843UST
Please see installation on picture here : http://we.tl/CcAcucCdB6

We invited customers , dealers and installers PRO AV to the inauguration last night to show them the BenQ expertise.
It’s an aggressive strategy for visibility and communication consequently we have a huge visibility in media.

Here are some details for reminder :
Location: Cultural Institute of Paris (Arab World Institute) – one of the the largest cultural institute in Paris – presided by former Minister of French Culture (and led by the winner of french music awards of 2015)
Subject: the world of hip hop, design and street art - this is the cultural event of the spring in Paris
Partners: Radio (Mov, Radio France), TV and press
Date : 28th april – 26th july 2015
1. Audience: 40 000 visitors per month during exhibition means around 120 000 visitors
2. Visibility:
Online :
-mention of BenQ on website as a partner (‘’official supplier’’)
-exposure of projectors during the exhibition
-BenQ logo on all official documents (large exterior panel, flyer, logo on internal display, panel on the subway)
-mention of the partner brand on radio by the president of Institut and by the artist

